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www.usbmadesimple.co.uk からのGET_DESCRIPTOR
It can discover this by using the Get Descriptor (Device) command. This request is one which the device must respond to even on address 0. Typically (i.e. with ...
is a vector of characters defining the fingerprints and/or physical descriptors types to compute ("standard" by default). The actual entire list of available ...
A GET_DESCRIPTOR Configuration request is determined the high byte of its wValue field: The high byte of wValue is 2 (i.e. the ...
2024/01/17 · The configuration descriptor is obtained from the device through a standard device request (GET_DESCRIPTOR), which is sent as a control transfer ...
Set Descriptor/Get Descriptor is used to return the specified descriptor in wValue. A request for the configuration descriptor will return the device descriptor ...
The GET DESCRIPTOR statement gets information from an SQL descriptor.
Description. GET DESCRIPTOR retrieves information about a query result set from an SQL descriptor area and stores it into host variables.
Hi, I am trying to program MCF52259 demo kit micro controller. At the moment I am stuck with USB Endpoint 0. When I connect my usb, I get interrupt.
2018/05/04 · I am working with USB Hubs and am wanting to get usb hub's 'hub descriptor' as specified in the USB spec.
2024/01/17 · This topic describes the USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure and includes information about how a client driver can send a get-descriptor request to ...