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I'm searching for an unique identification for a machine, so I considered the mac-address. I used the NEETBIOS function, by calling the command NCBASTAT, to get ...
2018/07/15 · JNAとはC/C++で書かれた共有ライブラリ( ... ().getFields() は順序が未定義なため使えない ... LPWSTR pname = new WTypes.LPWSTR(name); ...
3 C++ からの Windows API 呼び出し Visual C++ ... () Timer ilmer() TextChange() TextChange() Visual ... 上位ワードが 0 で、 たとえば、 LoadCursorFromFile((LPWSTR) ...
2013/10/31 · get(), &size)) { LOG(ERROR) << "EncryptArray() ... C++ 2005, so we no longer need Windows ... LPWSTR class_name, - DWORD options, REGSAM ...
... () != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) goto done; if ... ((LPWSTR)userNameW, &sizeUsername)) { std::wstring ... Left(13); /* GetComputerName(m_CompName,&max); strCmp= ...
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