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High Precision Event Timer

High Precision Event Timerはパーソナルコンピューターで使用されるハードウェア タイマーである。マイクロソフトとインテルによって共同で開発され、2005年頃からPCのチップセットに組み込まれ始めた。 ウィキペディア
High Precision Event Timer(高精度イベント タイマー、HPET)はパーソナルコンピューターで使用されるハードウェア タイマーである。マイクロソフトとインテルによって ...
The High Precision Event Timer (HPET) is a hardware timer available in modern x86-compatible personal computers. Compared to older types of timers available ...
HPET, or High Precision Event Timer, is a piece of hardware designed by Intel and Microsoft to replace older PIT and RTC. It consists of (usually 64-bit) main ...
The IA-PC HPET Specification defines timer hardware that is intended to initially supplement and eventually replace the legacy 8254 Programmable Interval Timer ...
The High Precision Event Timer (HPET) hardware follows a specification by Intel and Microsoft, revision 1. Each HPET has one fixed-rate counter (at 10+ MHz ...
While TSC runs at an average frequency of 3 MHz, depending on your processor characteristics, HPET is a high precision timer, and can run at up to 22 MHz on ...
2023/04/24 · If you don't know what HPET does, In simple terms HPET is a hardware timer, that provides a more accurate and reliable timing mechanism than ...
The High Precision Timer (HPET) must be enabled in the platform BIOS if the HPET is to be used. Otherwise, the Time Stamp Counter (TSC) is used by default.