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The PEAR::HTML_QuickForm package provides methods for creating, validating, processing HTML forms. PHP License. » Current Release, » Bug Summary.
The purpose of this tutorial is to give the new users of QuickForm an overview of its features and usage patterns. It describes a small subset of available ...
HTML_QuickForm2 provides methods to create, validate and render HTML forms. It is a PHP5 rewrite of PEAR HTML_QuickForm and related packages.
Forward compatible fork of HTML_QuickForm. This package is intended mainly as a drop-in replacement for existing installations of HTML_Quickform .
Description. Performs the form data processing. It actually calls the $callback passing the submitted values (and files, when $mergeFiles =TRUE) to it.
2018/08/29 · Moodle-3.3 has a new HTML_QuickForm element type called defaultcustom, which displays a checkbox right above the text input field, to indicate ...
2017/04/26 · The PEAR manual has a complete section about migrating to HTML_QuickForm2, ...
QuickForm is a convenience library for dealing with HTML forms. It provides Javascript and server-side form validation, and is customizable and extensible ...
Migration from HTML_QuickForm · Creating elements · Adding elements to the form · Setting default values · Getting the elements' values · Filters · Rules and ...
2011/07/25 · One workaround would be to create some HTML form fragments with HTML_Quickform and inject those into your HTML form with AJAX.