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発音を調べる lone·li·ness

  1. sadness because one has no friends or company.
    「feelings of depression and loneliness」
    同義語: isolation, friendlessness, lack of friends/companions, forsakenness, abandonment, rejection, unpopularity, sadness, unhappiness, forlornness, despondency, lonesomeness, solitariness, solitude, lack of company, aloneness, separation, remoteness, inaccessibility, seclusion, secludedness, desertedness
  2. (of a place) the quality of being unfrequented and remote; isolation.
    「the loneliness of the farm」

4 日前 · unhappy because you are not with other people: She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home. the lonely life of a widower.
LONELINESS 意味, 定義, LONELINESS は何か: 1. the state of being lonely 2. the state of being lonely. もっと見る.
a sense of sadness or melancholy arising from being alone or lacking companionship. synonyms. desolation. synonyms. forlornness. folder open. wordList.
Meaning. 寂 means "loneliness, desolation, solitude." Lonely - Feeling of sadness due to lack of companionship or feeling of isolation.
2017/05/22 · Loneliness is used to name the feeling that you are alone, and you feel desperate about this (i.e. you crave some kind of connection with others ...
The Japanese adjectival noun '孤独 (こどく)' means 'solitude' or 'loneliness'. It refers to a state of being alone or isolated, without the company of others.
2023/08/01 · Japanese phrase '寂しい思い' (sabishii omoi) can be translated as "feeling lonely" or "a sense of loneliness." It is a combination of the ...
2015/07/30 · The kanji 寂 often represents more likely "quiet" as in 静寂. When it's used as an adjective 寂しい[samishii], it means "lonely" or "sad".
2017/09/30 · 寂しがる = 'to feel lonely' are obviously different words in japanese but the same in english… so I used “yearns for another” to differentiate ...
時に人は非常にもろくなって、同じ不可解な寂しさがある。 Sometimes people are very fragile, the same inexplicable loneliness there.