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PDO::FETCH_CLASS : returns a new instance of the requested class, mapping the columns of the result set to named properties in the class, and calling the ...
2011/02/28 · And I am guessing this means if you setup your class with getters and setters, private vars, you can't use PDO::FETCH_CLASS ? – Ben. Commented ...
Summary. Use the PDO::FETCH_CLASS fetch mode to return an instance of a class by mapping the column values to the object properties.
Simple example using PDO with FETCH_CLASS implementing a modest Entity pattern.
Like any other database extension, PDO can create instances of the existing classes right from the selected data. But, unlike other extensions, PDO offers ...
Used with PDO::FETCH_CLASS . Returns instances of the specified class, mapping the columns of each row to named properties in the class. constructorArgs.
PDO fetch modes (along with usable prepared statements) is a thing that makes PDO a wrapper, not yet another (though universal) database API.
zenn.dev からのPDO::FETCH_CLASS
2022/09/04 · PDO::FETCH_CLASS: 結果セットのカラムがクラス内の名前付けされたプロパティに マッピングされている、要求されたクラスの新規インスタンスを返します。
2024/01/16 · PDO::FETCH_CLASS ( int ) Specifies that the fetch method shall return a new instance of the requested class, mapping the columns to named ...