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もしかして: PHP MySQL
Package Information: MDB2_Driver_mysql ; mysql MDB2 driver · 1.5.0b4 (beta) was released on 2012-10-23 by danielc (Changelog). Easy Install. Not sure? Get more ...
Description. DB is a database abstraction layer providing: * an OO-style query API * portability features that make programs written for one DBMS work with ...
How to Install the PHP MDB2 Library and Its MySQL Driver Using PEAR. In the examples shown, replace "X.Y" with your app's PHP version (for example, "5.6" or " ...
2.3.1. Installing a PEAR package from the command line. Open a command line window (in Windows) or a shell (in Linux/ ...
How to see currently installed PEAR modules To see the currently installed PEAR modules, first, access your account via SSH. Then, depending on the PHP ver.
Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... · Provide feedback · Saved searches · mysql.php · mysql.php.
PEAR is the PHP Extension and Application Repository and is pronounced the same as the fruit. It provides standard, structured, maintained packages of code ...
works with PEAR::DB and other applications." Make sure that the cli version of your php.ini has the mysql extension enabled in it. extension=mysql.so or dll ...