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Child classes: DB_msql: The methods PEAR DB uses to interact with PHP's msql extension for interacting with Mini SQL databases. DB_ibase: The methods PEAR DB ...
// Once you have a valid DB object named $db... $db->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $res =& $db->query('SELECT a, b FROM phptest WHERE a = 28'); $row =& $res ...
DB_common::getOption() – Determines current state of a PEAR DB configuration option ... Example. Simple getOption() example. <?php // Once you have a valid DB ...
The query result has multiple columns with the same name. PHP's Informix extension deals with columns having the same names by overwriting the prior columns ...
Description. Format input so it can be safely used as a literal in a query. Literals are values such as strings or numbers which get utilized in places like ...
Joomla plugin for the dhtmlxScheduler. Contribute to DHTMLX/scheduler-joomla development by creating an account on GitHub.
Description. Runs the query provided and puts the first column of data into an array then frees the result set. Parameter.
2015/11/02 · The best option is to create new server database connection on 'Output directory' screen and put alternative database connection parameters ...
2013/09/03 · I am trying to use quoteSmart to safely format my input, however it always comes back as empty when I am using quoteSmart leading me to assume ...
DB_common::setOption() – Sets run-time configuration options for PEAR DB ... Example. Simple setOption() example. <?php // Once you have a valid DB object named $ ...