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When the script is run in the browser it puts out the following error: Code: Software error: Could not open file: Permission denied at /var/www/cgi-bin/handler.
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2019/04/10 · Hello ! I need to create a CGI in bash in which it would be possible to generate a graph from a gnuplot script.
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2016/03/07 · I'm having some issues with getting CGI to work, in the browser I get the above issue, in the logs I get Regarding the permissions and directory structure.
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2019/09/05 · This error is basically Git saying “I tried to push to remote, but the remote origin does not exist”. The solution is to create a blank project on your GitLab. ...
含まれない: mt4imgr. cgi
2012/08/30 · I have checked permissions on directories and files, I can run the same CGI script using sudo -u apache scriptname and then the troublesome system commands ...
The error you were getting seems like your mrtg's cron job were not able to create the "mrtg.ok" file after it is completed.
含まれない: mt4imgr. cgi
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