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I have a cgi perl script in my cgi-bin directory that is attempting to write some information to a file. The directory and file are both owned by root.
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2012/02/27 · Running cgi script from command line works fine. http_proxy="" curl http://url/ -o file. Produces curl(7): permission denied. (same issues ...
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2011/06/04 · Just installed apache 2.2.17 and I can start up the httpd server without any errors. However when I try to access my scripts in /cgi-bin/ ...
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2019/04/10 · Hello ! I need to create a CGI in bash in which it would be possible to generate a graph from a gnuplot script.
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2019/07/02 · The solution was to allow httpd to connect to the network. I just set httpd_can_network_connect to on with setsebool , and it started ...
含まれない: mt4imgr. | 必須にする:mt4imgr.
2022/04/29 · Learn what is causing a container permissions error and how to work around the issue without resorting to the --privileged flag.
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