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2020/09/26 · It seems that enabling HPET affects new AMD's minimally, but on Intel enabling HPET leads to worse performance. Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on ...
2021/10/12 · Retrieves the frequency of the performance counter. The frequency of the performance counter is fixed at system boot and is consistent across all processors.
2023/04/18 · Windows provides APIs that you can use to acquire high-resolution time stamps or measure time intervals.
The High Precision Event Timer (HPET) is a hardware timer available in modern x86-compatible personal computers.
2014/06/14 · After enabling HPET, my framerate no longer drops below 120 and i can have whatever i want on my second monitor and league will stay perfectly smooth on my ...
2022/12/22 · HPET is a slow timer. If you force HPET on most games, it may become smoother, but will most likely result in more input lag and weird stuff ...
RtQueryPerformanceFrequency retrieves the frequency of the high-resolution performance counter (based on the processor's time-stamp counter, TSC). The frequency ...
2022/01/22 · I have a question that may be silly, but is it normal that when I activate HPET in windows, my pc completely lag and almost froze.