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次の検索結果を表示しています: B-CAS Card
元の検索キーワード: X-CAS Card
en.m.wikipedia.org からのB-CAS Card
All ISDB receiving apparatus such as DTT TV, tuner, and DVD recorder except 1seg-only devices require a B-CAS card under regulation and B-CAS cards are supplied ...
cs.myjcom.jp.e.abc.hp.transer.com からのB-CAS Card
6, Information of B-CAS Cards is displayed by the top. 20 digits of numbers of Cards ID column. B-CAS card number. We do in this.
B-CAS (BS Conditional Access Systems Co., Ltd.) is a vendor and operator of the ISDB CAS system in Japan, largely owned by the public broadcaster NHK with ...
B-CAS card, C-CAS card is card necessary to have you watch terrestrial digital broadcast and broadcasting satellite, communication satellite broadcasting. We ...
store7055018.company.site からのB-CAS Card
All your favourite BS & CS (satellite) channels become available with this card. No subscription required! BBC, CNN, J-sports, Discovery, History, NatGeo, ...
www.amazon.co.jp からのB-CAS Card
評価 (91)
Not Added · B-CAS BS, CS, Ground Communication Cards, Mini Cards, Red · Supports terrestrial digital broadcast, BS digital, and CS digital waves · Card Size: ...
b-cas.co.jp からのB-CAS Card
B-CASカードは、契約先の受信機メーカーに支給され、その後テレビやレコーダーなどの製品に同梱されて視聴者の手元に届きます。 テレビやレコーダーなどの受信機を購入され ...