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2016/08/09 · I'm totally new to this and a little confused about how the story works here. Is there a big over-arching plot or small "quest" lines?
X3: Terran Conflict is a space trading and combat simulator by German developer Egosoft, part of their X series of games. Described as a stand-alone game, ...
2021/04/07 · Steamでは2017年4月19日から日本語対応版が配信された。 ストーリー(TC). 『X: Beyond the Frontier』と2作目『X-Tension』 ...
2013/12/12 · —–以下ストーリーに関係無い操作方法—–. 視点の変更は[F・1]がFPS視点。繰り返し押す事で左右、後方と視点を切り替えられます。[F・2]でTPS視点。この ...
2013/01/10 · X3:Terran Conflict(TC). 2代目X3。Reunionの大型MOD、X-Tended MODによる追加要素や艦船などを取り込んだ。 OTASの奇抜なデザインはX-Tendedの ...
2020/07/01 · - earth humans have become crazy militaristic isolationistic robot-haters, because of nearly being wiped out by their own robot creations. ... - a ...
"So we are very happy to be presenting the gripping next installment of the X universe's story in X³: Terran Conflict." "We look forward to adding another ...
評価 (16)
2011/07/18 · Started as a Humble Merchant and I have three Haulers I'm remote controlling and a low-class Fighter I'm flying around in exploring. I haven't ...
2024/04/12 · What is the best mod to import x3 reunion story to a x3 terran conflict engine? I just can't play without mouse mode.