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Antiword is a free software reader for proprietary Microsoft Word documents, and is available for most computer platforms. Antiword can convert the ...


Antiwordは、独自のMicrosoft Wordドキュメント用の無料のソフトウェアリーダーであり、ほとんどのコンピュータープラットフォームで使用できます。 ウィキペディア(英語)
ライセンスGNU General Public License
2024/01/30 · antiword: Extract Text from Microsoft Word Documents. Wraps the 'AntiWord' utility to extract text from Microsoft Word documents.
antiword is a program for displaying legacy Microsoft Word .doc documents in common use from MS Word 97 – 2007 as plain text. Typically, antiword is used to ...
Description Wraps the 'AntiWord' utility to extract text from Microsoft Word documents. The utility only supports the old 'doc' format, not the new xml based ' ...
R wrapper for antiword utility. Contribute to ropensci/antiword development by creating an account on GitHub.
Antiword is an application for displaying Microsoft Word documents. It can also convert the document to PostScript or XML. Only documents made by MS Word ...
Wraps the AntiWord utility to extract text from Microsoft Word documents. The utility only supports the old doc format, not the new xml based docx format.
2021/10/19 · This package is nothing more than a convenience wrapper around libreoffice --convert-to txt which dumps to stdout, cleaning up the generated ...
Wraps the antiword utility. Takes a path to an word file and returns text from the document.