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CloudStack is designed to work with any scalable secondary storage system. The only requirement is that the secondary storage system supports the NFS protocol.
CloudStack defines two types of storage: primary and secondary. Primary storage can be accessed by either iSCSI or NFS. Additionally, direct attached storage ...
Types: NFS is commonly used as Secondary Storage in CloudStack due to its simplicity and compatibility. However, CloudStack also supports integration with ...
2024/04/24 · CloudStack needs a place to keep primary and secondary storage (see Cloud Infrastructure Overview). Both of these can be NFS shares.
CloudStack defines two types of storage: primary and secondary. Primary storage can be accessed by either iSCSI or NFS. Additionally, direct attached storage ...
I think NFS may be the bottleneck,but I don't know if it is true.Does anyone have a good idea to help me finding the real reason?
2020/11/19 · NFS Primary Storage mounts are handled by libvirt. Currently libvirt defaults to NFS version 3 when mounting while it does support NFS version 4 if provided in ...
2024/01/29 · NFS is, by far, the most common Primary Storage and has by far the best CloudStack support (in the sense of the features). You can, if you want, ...
CloudStack management server needs two nfs share such as primary and secondary. It can be used separate nfs server or used cloudstack mgmt server as nfs server.