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次の検索結果を表示しています: getdataString
元の検索キーワード: getEditString
GetData(String, Boolean). Returns a data object in a specified format, optionally converting the data to the specified format.
A string that specifies the format of the data to retrieve. For a set of predefined data formats, see the DataFormats class. Returns.
形式: public String getDataString(String dataName, int rpt) throws XmapException, XmapEnvironmentException, XmapRuntimeException · 説明 · パラメタ · 戻り値 · 例外.
DataString. 親: TStringStream. Delphi. property DataString: string read GetDataString;. C++. __property System::UnicodeString DataString = {read=GetDataString}; ...
2021/04/30 · ... getDataString を呼び出す method = hoge.getClass().getMethod("getDataString"); String str = String.valueOf(method.invoke(hoge)); System.out ...
戻り値の型. 存在する場合、指定した形式のデータ。それ以外の場合、null を返します。
... getDataString(data); if (dataS.length() == 0) { return null; } String displayLabel = getDisplayLabel(label); try { lValue = Long.parseLong(dataS); } catch ...
A sample program for Android 1.6 that receives browser intent and shows URL history.
2013/09/16 · getData().toString(): myapp://com.efolab/openwith?hoge=1&moga=100 getAction(): android.intent.action.VIEW getDataString(): ...