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mb_encode_mimeheader() depends on correct mbstring.internal_encoding setting. It tries to convert $str from internal encoding to $charset.
2021/10/11 · In PHP, mb_encode_mimeheader() function is used to encode a string for MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) header. It encodes a given ...
Function mb_encode_mimeheader. Encode string for MIME header. Package: Cake Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
Encodes a given string string by the MIME header encoding scheme. Parameters ¶. string. The string being encoded. Its encoding should be ...
Test mb_encode_mimeheader online. Execute mb_encode_mimeheader with this online tool mb_encode_mimeheader() - Encode string for MIME header.
mb_encode_mimeheader() converts string str to encoded-word for header field. It returns converted string in ASCII encoding.
This function ignores any encoded-word specified in a character set not supported by the mbstring extension (e.g. Arabic windows-1256).
2024/04/11 · This vulnerability could be exploited for denial-of-service attacks. For instance, CakePHP 5 relies on this function to encode email subjects.
mb_encode_mimeheader() converts string str to encoded-word for header field. It returns converted string in ASCII encoding. charset is character encoding name.