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Package Information: Net_POP3 ; Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server. Support all POP3 commands including UIDL listings, APOP authentication, DIGEST-MD5 ...
含まれない: mimeDecode | 必須にする:mimeDecode
* stored, APOP will be tried first, then basic USER/PASS. *. * @param string $user Username to use.
2009/09/08 · I found a tutorial yesterday on how to use pear's mime decode to download email attachments. But im having problems getting the code to run ...
Returns the headers of the specified message in an. associative array. Array keys are the header names, array values are the header values.
Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. ... Net_POP3-1.3.8.tgz". # wget "http://download.pear ... 'Mail/mimeDecode.php' );. # pop_server = 'example ...
Class, Description. EncodingFinder, Utility class used by OpenPop for mapping from a characterSet to an Encoding. The functionality of the class can be ...
2006/10/26 · Hello, I am current building my own small free email client where user could signup for there own email address i have written quit a lot of ...
I need to add Net/POP3 and Mail/mimeDecode pear librararies to an 6Beta3 server. Is there a simple way to do this and is there anything that I should be ...
Dependences: PEAR Net/POP3 & PEAR Mail/Mimedecode. What it does basically is to poll a POP3 inbox for any new message and create a User Request based on this ...
2022/04/16 · PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) is mainly a PHP framework consisting of various packages. As of April 2022, there are 603 ...