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Multimedia timer services allow applications to schedule timer events with the greatest resolution (or accuracy) possible for the hardware platform. These multimedia timer services allow you to schedule timer events at a higher resolution than other timer services.
2023/06/20 · The multimedia timer services allow an application to schedule periodic timer events — that is, the application can request and receive timer ...
2001/07/10 · The multimedia timer is a high-resolution timer that does not post any messages to message queues. Instead, it calls the specified callback ...
function invoked by a multimedia timer can only do VERY limited things, mainly MIDI functions, a couple of other timing functions, and PostMessage. ... scheduled ...
Multimedia timer services allow applications to schedule timer events with the greatest resolution (or accuracy) possible for the hardware platform. These ...
The multimedia Timer class encapsulates several of the Win32 multimedia functions to make using the multimedia timer in the .NET environment easy and painless.
The following callback function, OneShotTimer, invalidates the identifier for the single timer event and calls a timer routine to handle the application- ...
Multimedia timer services allow applications to schedule timer events with the greatest resolution (or accuracy) possible for the hardware platform.
含まれない: function | 必須にする:function
2019/02/19 · Multimedia timer services allow applications to schedule timer events with the greatest resolution (or accuracy) possible for the hardware platform.