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Includes: require_once('HTML/QuickForm.php') [line 10] Usage example for HTML_QuickForm, using custom validation rules. Author: Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net>.
... rule * * In order to use a custom rule in your form, you need to register it * first. For regular expressions, one can directly use the 'regex' type * rule ...
2017/04/16 · マルチバイトの文字数チェックに対応するため、カスタムルールを作成した。 QuickForm2/Rule/Length.php の QuickForm2_Rule_Lengthを継承し、
QuickForm makes client-side and server-side form validation easy. It allows for validation against regular expressions or custom functions and methods.
Hi, I'm creating a custom rule in QuickForm inside of a class. I tried doing the following class SomeClass { function myRule( $name, $value, $options ) { }
2005/06/15 · addRule('フォームオブジェクト名', 'エラーメッセージ', 'ルール種別');; のように呼び出すらしい。ルール種別は以下の通り。
2010/12/21 · If you're using HTML_QuickForm2, then chaining the rules with _and() and _or() makes possible what you want. With QF1, it's not possible ...
* Use addRule if you need to validate the group as a whole. In this case,. * the same rule will be applied to all elements in the group.
2006/12/12 · Hi there, I have a form built using HTML_QuickForm which has no mandatory fields. However, this means that the form can be submitted with a set ...
I was wondering ... Isn't there any way to make $form->addRule('email', 'Please insert your email', 'email'); and complare aslo a reqiured field ?