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2023/12/17 · ... echo echo ".git/hooks/pre-commit : $file --> ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}" echo echo "$LINES" exit 1 fi done # end each lines done # end each files ...
PRE-COMMIT HOOK. :: [1] REPOS-PATH (the path to this repository). :: [2] TXN-NAME (the name of the txn about to be committed). SET REPOS=%1. SET TXN=%2.
2023/08/28 · 動作確認してみます。pre-commitにechoを記述します。 pre-commit.
... dev/null 2>&1 then echo "pre-commit: About to create a new commit..." against=HEAD else echo "pre-commit: About to create the first commit..." against ...
2022/05/25 · The article describes a script to apply `go vet` which is a static analysis and `goimports` (go fmt) in git's pre-commit hook.
2020/05/15 · 任意の場所で exit 1 とかくと、コミットが中断されます。 exec 1>&2 しておくとechoなどに渡した文字列がが標準エラー出力に出力されます。 何も起こら ...
2024/01/23 · echo '#!/bin/sh echo "local pre-commit"' >> .git/hooks/pre-commit chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit. touch sample git add . git commit -m ...
echo "Do not commit on the master branch!" exit 1. fi. Raw. pre-push. #!/bin/sh. # if the branch is master, then fail. branch="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/ ...
2023/06/06 · pre-commit を書く .githooks/pre-commit. #!/bin/sh # Run go test output=$(go test -v ./...) exit_code=$? # Check if the test failed if ...