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2004/10/21 · Generates a DELETE statement. void, prepareInsertExpressionWithRow(NSDictionary row) Generates an INSERT statement. void ...
prepareInsertExpressionWithRow public void prepareInsertExpressionWithRow(NSDictionary aNSDictionary). Description forthcoming. Page 292. 296. CLASS ...
2004/10/21 · ... prepareInsertExpressionWithRow, prepareUpdateExpressionWithRow, setStatement, setUseAliases, setUseBindVariables, setUseQuotedExternalNames ...
... prepareInsertExpressionWithRow(_ row: [ String : Any? ]) { // TODO: add method to insert multiple rows // Note: we need the entity for the table name ...
initializes it with entity, and sends it prepareInsertExpressionWithRow:. Raises an. NSInvalidArgumentException if entity is nil. The expression created with ...
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