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When using a value of a wrong type as second parameter , substr() does not return FALSE but NULL although the docs say, it should return FALSE on error.
2.A- The 'substr' function works on the byte-level and with single-byte encoded characters only (doesn't support multibyte encoding). For example: $ ...
2017/08/18 · phpで文字列を切り出す(または抽出・抜き出し)際は、よくsubstr()関数やmb_substr()関数を使用します。両方とも文字列の一部を切り出すという関数になり ...
My problem was that substr_replace() always added $replacement, so i wrote my own function. This function only adds $replacement, if substr() took action. The ...
2022/07/22 · PHP SUBSTR ARCHIVE# The $slice parameter can be a single character index, or a range separated by a.
Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... · Provide feedback · Saved searches · substr-compare.xml · substr-compare.xml.
2016/06/18 · 役に立つかどうかよくわからないTipsシリーズ. 今回は substring すなわち「文字列の部分取得」です. String には.
string の長さが start 文字より短い場合は FALSE が返されます。 例1 負の start の使用. <?php $rest = substr ...