ヒント: 日本語の検索結果のみ表示します。検索言語は [表示設定] で指定できます
CSTOPB Set two stop bits, rather than one. CREAD Enable receiver. PARENB Enable parity generation on output and parity checking for input. PARODD If set ...
Otherwise, input is discarded when it arrives. Macro: tcflag_t CSTOPB ¶. If this bit is set, two stop bits are used. Otherwise, only one stop bit is used ...
7 bits; CS8: 8 bits. CSTOPB: Send two stop bits, else one. CREAD: Enable receiver. PARENB: Parity enable.
c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; // 1 stop bit. options.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; // no echo. options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; // no RTS/CTS Flow Control. options.c_cflag ...
... CSTOPB, ストップビットを2に設定する, 0x00000040. CSIZE, データビット数を指定するためのビットマスク, 0x00000030. CS5~CS8, データビット数、5~8ビットまで指定 ...
API documentation for the Rust `CSTOPB` constant in crate `peep`.
cstopb: Use two stop bits per character. Not valid for z/OS line discipline. -cstopb is always used. See Usage notes. -cstopb: Use one stop bit per character ...
' hup ' ¶; ' hupcl '. Send a hangup signal when the last process closes the tty. May be negated. ' cstopb ' ¶. Use two stop bits per character (one if negated) ...
CSTOPB: Two stop bits, else one. HUPCL: Hang up on last close. IHFLOW: Support input flow control using the hardware handshaking lines. OHFLOW: Support output ...