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2013/03/25 · You need to find the web user often www-data, and assign ownership and to it. Then you can set you permissions up. 775 would be the ideal value ...
2012/09/27 · I guess that the directory /archive already contains a file called test.txt, maybe created previously by the root. If so, then you have to ...
2022/03/03 · You need to be given edit permissions to this file to sync it." See bottom of the post for exact error popup that OneDrive provides me. What am ...
2021/04/23 · Please check that there are no open or read-only files in the directory and that you have the necessary read/write permissions. Detailed error ...
2013/10/29 · As per drupal docs the correct permission for all files is 644, and for directories is 755. Also check this: What are the recommended directory ...
2023/01/10 · This permission is very different on directories compared to files. Essentially, you can think of it as providing access to the directory.
2024/02/29 · ... permissions for project container directory /nfs/mount/data”. So I modify the file ... may be using NFS with ACLs for granting access. From ...
2021/10/15 · This error occurs when attempting to install a product to a file path with heightened system permissions. Avoiding this error. For the best ...
2022/02/05 · This may or may not apply to you, but my experience has always been that, in order for a file to be writable by php and apache, not only ...
2011/10/05 · You'll want to make sure that your Apache user has read, write and execute permissions to assets and it's subfolders. Other directories you ...