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Insert the data into the database, based on the variable values of the current object and returns the ID of the inserted element if sequences or primary keys ...
Automatically builds an INSERT or UPDATE SQL statement so it can later be used by execute() or executeMultiple().
Insert the data into the database, based on the variable values of the current object and returns the ID of the inserted element if sequences or primary keys ...
Use the sequence functions of DB to get the ID prior to inserting so that you can use the ID afterwards for inserts in other tables.
A prepared statement will look something like this: INSERT INTO people VALUES (?, ?); Author's Note: Some people mix up prepared statements and stored ...
Insert the data into the database, based on the variable values of the current object and returns the ID of the inserted element if sequences or primary keys ...
2008/06/18 · Hi, we need a php code snippet showing how to insert in a blob column using pear::mdb2. I know who to make it using oci8 (there is an ...
if selectAdd() has not been called on the object, then it will add the correct columns to the query. *. * A) Array of values (eg. a list of 'id').
2024/09/05 · Insert an active model and get back a fresh Model. Its value is retrieved from database, so any auto-generated fields will be populated.