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2022/08/19 · <?php if ($x > $y) { echo "x is bigger than y"; } elseif ($x == $y) { echo "x is equal to y"; } else { echo "x is smaller than y"; } ?>.
For Example ... <?php $sal=6000; $dept="hr"; $hra; $gross_sal=0; if($sal>10000 or $dept="hr") { $hra=($sal*5)/100; $gross_sal=$sal+$hra; } else { $hra=($sal*2)/ ...
<?php $Age = 20; if ($Age < 18) { print "You're young - enjoy it!\n"; } else { print "You're not under 18\n"; } if ($Age >= 18 && $Age < 50) { print "You're in ...
elseif/else if ¶ ... There may be several elseif s within the same if statement. The first elseif expression (if any) that evaluates to true would be executed. In ...
Syntax · PHP will execute the statement following the Boolean expression if it evaluates to true. · If the Boolean expression evaluates to false, the statement ...
2022/02/16 · The if…elseif Statement in PHP. The PHP language allows you to add a conditional statement after an if statement. This is what is called the “ ...
In PHP you use the double equal sign (==) to compare values. Additionally, notice that because the if statement turned out to be true, the code segment was ...
2017/01/18 · && is for 'and', || is for 'or'. for instance: if($text == "Hello" && $text2 == "hi"){ code which should be executed when both statements are ...
PHP actually takes it one step further, introducing the triple equal sign. The difference is if you use two equal signs, PHP will only look to see if the values ...