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断熱消磁は極低温領域での冷却法の一つ。液体ヘリウムの蒸発潜熱や希釈冷凍では冷やせない超低温の冷却が可能である。 零磁場下の常磁性体のスピンは任意の方向を向きその磁化は零である。強い磁場下にある常磁性体を十分冷却した後、断熱状態で磁場を下げる。この時、断熱状態であるためエントロピーは変化しないが磁化は小さくなる。 ウィキペディア
These experimental results suggest that ErCoAl could be an appropriate candidate for magnetic refrigerant working at the temperatures near 20 K.
F25B21/00 Machines, plants or systems, using electric or magnetic effects. F MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING.
【Magnetocaloric effect】 · 1.磁気熱量効果と磁気冷凍. 磁性体は、原子サイズで見ると、自発的に磁気を発生する電子スピン(微小磁石)の集合体である。 · 2.磁気冷凍技術.
Magnetic refrigeration exploits the magnetocaloric effect, which is the entropy change upon the application and removal of magnetic fields in materials, ...
MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT 定義:an increase or decrease of the temperature of a thermally isolated magnetic substance...| 意味、発音、翻訳、用例.
Magnetic refrigeration is one of the emerging technologies to replace conventional vapor compression technology. Basic principles rely on magnetocaloric ...
Modeling of a Magnetocaloric System for Electric Vehicles. A. Noume[1], C ... This paper presents some aspects of the design of an innovative magnetocaloric ...
2019/05/15 · For second-order phase transition materials, I will show that critical exponents can be determined using the magnetocaloric effect even in cases ...
The magnetocaloric effect was examined for ErCo2, which shows a first-order magnetic transition from a ferrimagnetic to paramagnetic state at 32 K. A large ...
The magnetization and the magnetocaloric effect have been investigated for Ni–Mn alloys with 66–83 at.%Ni after several heat-treatments.