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This guide will provide those wishing to extend Movable Type's core platform with custom functionality, user interfaces and other components.
2024/08/22 · The FormHelper focuses on creating forms quickly, in a way that will streamline validation, re-population and layout.
2006/09/15 · CakePHP has given me the flexibility to drop in features quickly and easily. For example, the "from the network" in the top right was done via a ...
2004/09/03 · Dynamic Pages are a feature of MT 3.1. They are implemented with PHP. What I did not realize previously is that the good blogging folk at Six ...
This tutorial will show how to use CakePHP's models, even when no table is being used. CakePHP is great in that you set up a database table, define an empty ...
2015/10/04 · I'd like to propose moving the database types to the \Cake\Datasource namespace and decoupling from the database.
I'm getting a mysterious error when I try to install my #cakephp v3 app on Heroku. It runs fine on my local server, but I get the following on Heroku "Error: ...
MTCake is template engine for CakePHP. Powerd by Movable Type Open Source and DynamicMTML. Copyright. CakePHP(tm) Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, ...
2012/04/19 · I have a project in cakephp, when I call a vendor for decrypting a string using AES, I get the error: Fatal error: Class declarations may not be nested.
2011/07/09 · The original blog was a simple PHP script that I wrote against a MySQL database. To move this to Movable Type, I just performed a SQL SELECT ...