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This manual section describes how the REST interface of a PEAR channel server works, as well as the files and their formats look like.
2015/06/14 · httpdなどのWebサーバーが立ち上がっているホスト(PEARインストール対象のホストでも良い)を用意する。 そのホストで、Pirumをインストールする。 Copied!
By using channels, you can install packages that are not part of PEAR. Prominent PHP projects like Horde and PHPUnit distribute their software through PEAR- ...
An interface to deal with reminders, alarms and notifications through a standardized API. The following notification methods are currently available: standard ...
2009/11/28 · A PEAR channel server allows you to install PEAR packages with the PEAR command line. You are probably already familiar with it as it comes ...
A SDK (or helper library, as we're calling them) for PHP developers to write applications against Twilio's REST API and generate TwiML responses. Install ...
2008/01/08 · package の作成は[以前試した](/diary/2007/0901/02/)ように楽になってるんだけど、これだけだと出来上がったパッケージを pear upgrade で更新できない。
2014/02/18 · Who is maintaining the PEAR channel server. Presently it seems broken. Where can I report or get feedback?
Using this Channel. This channel is to be used with the PEAR installer. Registering the channel: pear channel-discover pear.phing.info
2005/12/02 · JPRCはCPANのように誰でもパッケージの登録を可能としたPEAR Channelサーバ> で、本家のPEARと同じようにネットワークリポジトリからインストールが出来 ...