2008/12/21 · JavaScript's onclick handler will execute a function without reloading the page, your code is just setting up a link, which obviously reloads the page.
2012/05/31 · Adding onclick to php echo line ... onClick="confirm('Complete Delete?')" for exmaple below in a line of PHP… echo '<td><form action="salesdelete.
2023/04/18 · The issue I am having is that the checkbox is being created dynamically and the output of it comes from another page which is included on this page.
2009/05/11 · You're trying to call a function defined in PHP with an JS event ie click of a mouse. It can't work that way because PHP is being executed on a server side.
2019/07/06 · onclick = function () { document.getElementById('modal').style.display = "none" }; }; </script>. At present, my Accept button when clicked is ...
2020/06/16 · I am searching for a simple solution to call a PHP function only when a-tag is clicked. PHP: ... html and PHP code are in the same PHP file.
I have an onclick function to expand the divs, which isnt working at all, but was working previously. I am posting this here because I think it might be a ...
I already have a function in my MemberModel to do that. Here is my Approach: Copy // view.blade.php ... <div class= ...
1. onclick is a js handler. php runs on the server. 2. It's good practice to never call a model from your html. In fact, you shouldn't be calling much at all ...