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2022/03/15 · pg_dumpbinary. pg_dumpbinary is a program used to dump a PostgreSQL database with data dumped in binary format. The resulting dump must be ...
2023/01/03 · Pg_dump is a PostgreSQL backup utility tool that allows database administrators to export databases in all forms such as full, copy, incremental ...
2023/06/06 · To back up all PostgreSQL databases, use the pg_dumpall tool as shown. $ pg_dumpall > all_pg_dbs.sql. You can restore the dump using psql as ...
2020/04/02 · pg_dumpall command creates the backups of each database one by one in a sequential manner which can be a time-consuming process if your ...
pg_dump is a regular PostgreSQL client application (albeit a particularly clever one). This means that you can perform this backup procedure from any remote ...
2012/02/23 · I have a 3GB database that is constantly modified and I need to make backups without stopping the server (Postgres 8.3). My pg_dump runs for 5 ...
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf local all postgres trust # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections ...
2022/07/04 · The pg_dump is a PostgreSQL backup and restores utility that dumps a PostgreSQL database into a script or archive file, ...
2014/07/24 · If you simply run pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgresUser dbName > backup.sql then the backup.sql file will be saved to the directory you ...