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types file(s). Sylpheed defines its MIME type mapping table by loading the system wide MIME types file, then the user file. The systeme file is SYSCONFDIR/mime.
The mime.types file is used to determine the mimetype of attachments you add when composing a message. The mime.types file consists of lines like:.
S/MIME support; GNU TLS support; Implement menu and toolbar with GtkAction; more efficient SMTP handling for multiple messages; more robust IMAP4 response ...
2019/02/19 · の検証はできません。 第2の壁として,Windowsのgnupgにはルート証明書が含まれていません。 以上をふまえてWindows(64bit)のSylpheedでS/MIME検証させる ...
This plugin handles S/MIME signed and/or encrypted mails. You can decrypt mails, verify signatures or sign and encrypt your own mails. PR: ports/96208 ...
A mirror of the official sylpheed svn repository located at svn://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/sylpheed. The mirror does not include the branches.
Sylpheed is an e-mail client (& news reader) ... 1.13 Q13 How does Sylpheed check for MIME types? ... s". If not the editor forks and open up a separate file and ...
This plugin handles signature verification and decryption of encrypted messages in S/MIME, OpenPGP, and ascii-armored PGP formats. Version Required Sylpheed- ...
Hi! Maybe I'm asking a stupid question, but I couldn't find it in the. FAQ. I'm wondering how I can control the 'Open' behaviour of sylpheed
Sylpheed email header analyzer program helps a user to view, read and investigate message source part. Find out any evidence by using email analysis tool.