Overview. Jmol is a free, open source viewer of molecular structures useful for students, educators and researchers in chemistry, biochemistry and other fields ...
Jmol is computer software for molecular modelling chemical structures in 3-dimensions. Jmol returns a 3D representation of a molecule that may be used as a ...
Jmol is an open-source viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures, with features for chemicals, biomolecules, crystals and materials.
JMOL is an abbreviation for judgment as a matter of law. A judgment as a matter of law is a judgment entered during a jury trial, either before or after ...
2021/02/01 · Jmol, an open-source Java viewer for 3D chemical structures for display and analysis. Options are available to render structures in different styles and colors.
A motion for judgment as a matter of law (JMOL) is a motion made by a party, during trial, claiming the opposing party has insufficient evidence to reasonably ...
Jmol Application is the version of Jmol that runs as a standalone program, in its own window. The program code is written using the Java programming language.


Jmolは化学や生化学分野の教育研究に用いられる、3次元コンピュータグラフィックスの分子シミュレーションソフトウェアである。 ウィキペディア
ライセンスLGPL 2.0
Jmol incorporates a rich JavaScript-like math environment including multiple variable types and a wide variety of functions.
Introduction and Design Goals on YouTube. Simplified mode. FirstGlance in Jmol Guided macromolecular visualization with remarkable ease of use