Abstract. In applications such as translation and paraphrase, operations are carried out on grammars at the meta level. This pa-.
Abstract. In applications such as translation and paraphrase, operations are carried out on grammars at the meta level. This pa-.
A Meta-Level Grammar: Redefining Synchronous TAG for Translation and Paraphrase · 34 Citations · 16 References.
A meta-level grammar: redefining synchronous TAG for translation and paraphrase. Author: Mark DrasAuthors Info & Claims. ACL '99: Proceedings of the 37th ...
A Meta-Level Grammar: Redefining Synchronous TAG for Translation and Paraphrase. June 1999. Mark Dras. In applications such as translation and paraphrase ...
Bibliographic details on A Meta-Level Grammar: Redefining Synchronous TAG for Translation and Paraphrase.
A meta-level grammar: redefining synchronous TAG for translation and paraphrase. / Dras, Mark. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for ...
関連文献を探す; Googleで調べる; コメントを書く... 送信. 閉じる. A Meta-Level Grammar: Redefining Synchronous TAG for Translation and Paraphrase (1999) Dras, ...
... A meta-level grammar: redefining synchronous TAG for translation and paraphrase. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual. Meeting of the Association for ...
A meta-level grammar: redefining synchronous TAG for translation and paraphrase, Mark Dras. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association ...