Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases · Chris Callison-Burch, Philipp Koehn, Miles Osborne. Anthology ID: N06-1003; Volume: Proceedings of ...
Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases. Chris Callison-Burch Philipp Koehn Miles Osborne. School of Informatics. University of Edinburgh. 2 ...
Improved statistical machine translation using paraphrases. Authors: Chris Callison-Burch.
Request PDF | Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases. | Parallel corpora are crucial for training SMT systems.
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Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases · Chris Callison-BurchPhilipp KoehnM. Osborne. Computer Science, Linguistics. NAACL. 2006. TLDR. This ...
Callison-Burch, C., Koehn, P., and Osborne, M. (2006). “Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases.” In Human Language Technology Conference of ...
Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases. Conference Paper. Jan 2006. Chris Callison-Burch · Philipp Koehn ...
“Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases.” In Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association of ...
... Improved statistical machine translation using paraphrases. In: Proceedings of the main conference on Human Language Technology Conference of the North ...
Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases · Computer Science, Linguistics. NAACL · 2006.