Paraphrase Concept and Typology. A Linguistically Based and Computationally Oriented Approach. 85. Page 5. They generally focus on the specific para- phrase ...
Paraphrase Concept and Typology. A Linguistically Based and Computationally Oriented Approach. Marta Vila , M. Antònia Martí , Horacio Rodríguez. Resumen. In ...
Paraphrase Concept and Typology. A Linguistically Based and Computationally Oriented Approach. April 2011; Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 46. 46. Authors ...
Paraphrase Concept and Typology. A Linguistically Based and Computationally Oriented Approach. by M. Antonia Marti. 2010, Procesamiento Del Lenguaje Natural.
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Paraphrase concept and typology. A linguistically based and computationally oriented approach. Author: Vila Rigat, Marta; Martí Antonin, M. Antònia ...
Title: Paraphrase concept and typology. A linguistically based and computationally oriented approach ; Author: Vila Rigat, Marta · Martí Antonin, M. Antònia
Paraphrase Concept and Typology. A Linguistically Based and Computationally Oriented Approach · Marta VilaM. A. MartíH. Rodríguez. Computer Science ...
Paraphrase concept and typology: a linguistically based and computationally oriented approach ; Vila Rigat, Marta | Martí Antonín, Maria Antònia | Rodríguez ...
Vila, Marta, M. Antònia Martí, Horacio Rodríguez (2011). Paraphrase concept and typology. A Linguistically Based and Computationally oriented Approach.
Paraphrase Concept and Typology. A Linguistically Based and Computationally Oriented Approach. Autores: Marta Vila, María Antonia Martí Antonín Árbol ...