Hoifung Poon and Pedro Domingos. 2009. Unsupervised Semantic Parsing. In Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, ...
Jun 11, 2021 · In this paper, we propose an unsupervised semantic parsing method - Synchronous Semantic Decoding (SSD), which can simultaneously resolve the semantic gap and ...
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The truth value of Number(p,a,n) is determined by the ArgType atoms. Unsupervised semantic parsing can be captured by four formulas: p ∈ +c ∧ Form(p,+f).
○ Unsupervised semantic parsing. ○ Learning and inference. ○ Experimental results. ○ Conclusion. Page 3. 3. Semantic Parsing. ○ Natural language text ...
Unsupervised Semantic Parsing of Video Collections. Ozan Sener1,2. Amir R. Zamir1. Silvio Savarese1. Ashutosh Saxena2,3. 1Stanford University, 2Cornell ...
Jun 28, 2015 · Unsupervised Semantic Parsing of Video Collections. Authors:Ozan Sener, Amir Zamir, Silvio Savarese, Ashutosh Saxena.
Unsupervised semantic parsing. Hoifung Poon. We present the first unsupervised approach to the problem of learning a semantic parser, using Markov logic.
unsupervised semantic parsing. In ACL. I. Titov and M. Kozhevnikov. 2010. Bootstrapping semantic analyzers from non-contradictory texts. In. ACL. N. Ueffing ...
[PDF] Unsupervised Semantic Parsing of Video Collections
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Unsupervised Semantic Parsing of Video Collections. Ozan Sener1,2. Amir R. Zamir1. Silvio Savarese1. Ashutosh Saxena2,3. 1Stanford University, 2Cornell ...
We present the first approach to unsupervised text generation from KGs and show simultaneously how it can be used for unsupervised semantic parsing.