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Verb Paraphrase based on Case Frame Alignment. Nobuhiro Kaji>, Daisuke Kawahara>, Sadao Kurohash>* and Satoshi Sato*. >Graduate School of Information Science.
Verb paraphrase based on case frame alignment. Authors: Nobuhiro Kaji ... Verb paraphrase based on case frame alignment. Pages 215 - 222. PREVIOUS ARTICLE.
Figure 1: Verb paraphrase based on case frame alignment. raw corpus parsing case frames initial case frames wo ga ga wo ni tsumu tsumu. } {experience:1. }{.
Dive into the research topics of 'Verb paraphrase based on case frame alignment'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Frame Alignment Keyphrases 100 ...
Conference PaperPDF Available. Verb Paraphrase based on Case Frame Alignment. October 2002. DOI:10.3115/1073083.1073120. Source; DBLP. Conference: Proceedings ...
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Verb Paraphrase based on Case Frame Alignment · Topics · 47 Citations · 7 References · Related Papers ...
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Verb Paraphrase based on Case Frame Alignment. Proceedings of 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL02). Nobuhiro Kaji ...
Aug 8, 2003 · (3) Nobuhiro Kaji, Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi, and Satoshi Sato: Verb Paraphrase based on Case Frame Alignment, ACL02, pp.215-222 ...
“Verb Paraphrase based on Case Frame Alignment.” In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 片岡明, 増山繁 ...