Pistillaria actiniceps from
... Pistillaria actiniceps n . sp . White , subtranslucent , up to 1.5 mm . high , 0.3 mm . diameter at the base , expanding upwards to 0.6 mm . , some- times slightly lobed above , covered everywhere , or sometimes only in the upper half ...
Pistillaria actiniceps from
... Pistillaria actiniceps , Uromyces anotidis , Blastophora hedyotidis , Phragmidium zeylanicum , Uredo hy- perici - japonici , U. meliosmae , U. cassiae - bicapsularis , U. argyreiae , U. phyllanthi - reticulati , U. cudraniae , U ...
Pistillaria actiniceps from
... Pistillaria actiniceps Petch 1922 , Ann . Roy . Bot . Gard . Peradeniya VII , Part 4 , . 291. Ad frondes Pteridis aquilinae et ad caulos emortuos Rubi spec . , ins . Ceylon . P. thujicola Kauffman 1929 , Pap . Michigan Acad . Sci ...
Pistillaria actiniceps from
... PISTILLARIA Fr. Syll . VI p . 752 , IX p . 255 , XI p . 141 , XIV p . 243 , XVI p . 215 , XVII p . 201 , XXI p . 440 . 1. Pistillaria actiniceps Petch , Add . Ceyl . Fgi . II in Ann . R. Bot . 2067 - Gard . Peraden . v . 7 , 1922 ...
Pistillaria actiniceps from
... actiniceps ( Mycena ) . I. 300 . actinobolus ( Polystictus ) . II . 243 ... ( Pistillaria ) . II . 758 . aculeata ( Stropharia ) . I. 1024 . aculeata ... ( Pistillaria ) . II , 758 . acuminatus ( Panæolus ) . I. 1124 . Acus ( Eccilia ) ...
Pistillaria actiniceps from
... actiniceps ( Mycena ) . I. 300 . actinobolus ( Polystictus ) . II . 243 ... ( Pistillaria ) . II . 758 . aculeata ( Stropharia ) . I. 1024 . aculeata ... ( Pistillaria ) . II , 758 . acuminatus ( Panæolus ) . I. 1124 . Acus ( Eccilia ) ...