次の検索結果を表示しています: session.use_only_cookies
元の検索キーワード: session.use_only_cookie
session.use_only_cookies specifies whether the module will only use cookies to store the session id on the client side. Enabling this setting prevents attacks ...
If session.use_only_cookies=Off, the session module will use the session ID values set by GET or POST provided the session ID cookie is uninitialized. session.
When use_only_cookies is disabled, PHP will pass the session ID via the URL. This makes the application more vulnerable to session hijacking attacks.
The session.use_only_cookies PHP directive makes PHP send session IDs exclusively in cookies, as opposed to appending them to the URL.
2020/08/26 · Proper use of session.use_only_cookies and session_regenerate_id() can cause personal DoS with undeletable cookies set by attackers.
Security with cookies: - PREVENTING SESSION HIJACKING - PREVENTING SESSION FIXATION - Uses a secure connection (HTTPS) if possible
2022/07/09 · use_only_cookies. By setting this directive cookies are used as the mandatory storage to preserve session id. It prevents session hijacking.
This means that while my Session ID is stored in a cookie it will not be automatically appended to my "a href" URLs when clicked.
2016/02/11 · The session ID generated by PHP can be passed from the client to the server two ways. The first is via a cookie value from the browser. The ...