... 商大論集 REVIEW ( Shōdai ronshu ) Kobe 1949- Bi - Mon . R Japanese , English Chiefly economics , including economic theory , business management , productivity , labor , and economic development ; also history , linguistics , and ...
... 商大論集』 10/3 , 181-208 . Yagi , K. , " Some Aspects of Modern Persian Colloquialisms : With Special Reference to " Vazir - e Khan - e Lankorān " , " Bulletin of Commercial College of Matsuyama 10/3 ( 1959 ) , 181-208 . Yagi , K. 1961 ...
... 商大論集,第 34 巻第 2 号 90 年 3 月( 4 )チア,「動的教材の研究開発について( 2 )」名商大論集,第 35 巻第 2 号 91 年 3 月( 5 ) Chea B.「 Using Fuzzy production System in the simulation and gaming for an ITS 」 2d Int . Conf . on fuzzy ...