Friday, June 8, 2018

RWB Facet Kite Options

These are some options for making a Red, White and Blue Facet Kite.

The first option is making Margaret Greger's 3-step, 4-sided Facet.

Because there are 3 different size squares, and 3 different colors, picking what color goes where is easy. The kite requires 4 eight-inch squares, 4 sixteen-inch squares, and 2 twenty-four inch squares. That makes 10 panels to make the kite.

The next option is is making a 6-sided 'SquareFlake'. This is our infamous 24", four-sided SquareFlake made with 3 inside squares instead of 2.

The kite uses 3 twenty-four inch squares and 6 twelve-inch squares. Fewer parts and less sewing than the first option.

Another option that we discussed was the 'standard' Facet Kite that most people call a Snowflake.

This kite has 3 big squares, 6 medium squares, and 6 small squares. !5 squares to make the kite. That is a lot of sewing.

There is one more option. File this one under, "Don't even think about it."

This is a 'burst' pattern Facet.

If that is what you want to do, CLICK HERE and get to work. Call me when you are done. Send pictures. :)

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