PocketPutty SSH is not really popular in the Windows world. Nevertheless it is a very useful protocol to manage Windows servers remotely. All you have to do is install OpenSSH for Windows on your server. This allows you to remotely connect to a command line interface through a secure connection.

Michael Pietroforte

You know me, I am not a CLI fan, but if I have to manage a server using my Windows Mobile toy it is often the easiest way. The small screen of a Pocket PC is big enough for simple commands. It is no secret that most problems under Windows can be solved with a reboot. If you have a problematic server, it can be quite comforting to know that you can restart the server wherever you are.

If you’ve worked with Putty before, you will immediately feel at home with PocketPutty. The user interface is quite similar, even though it does not have all the features of its big brother. PocketPutty doesn’t have to be installed. You can just copy it to your Windows Mobile device and launch the exe. The download side only offers a version for Windows Mobile 2003. However, I use it with Windows Mobile 6 without problems.



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