Photo: Leki Wangdi


Common name: Common Raven (English)

Scientific name: Corvus corax tibetanus

Local name:  ཨོ་རོག (Dzongkha)

The Common Raven is a bird belonging to the family of crows. It is widely found throughout Eurasia and the National Bird of Bhutan is a subspecies of the Common Raven (Corvus corax).  The subspecies tibetanus, which is the national bird of Bhutan is found inhabiting the dry areas on the Tibetan plateau and their habitat extends into the southern slopes of the HImalayan mountains from Pakistan to Bhutan. However, the bird is an inhabitant of the extremely high elevations and hence it is quite uncommon.


The Raven represents the protector deity Gonpo Jarodongchen (The Raven-headed Mahakala). Mahakala is one of the most important protector deity of Bhutan. The Raven head also takes a species place on the crown of the Kings. Hence the Raven also symbolises the sacred nature of the Kingship and the Wangchuck Dynasty of Bhutan.

A full article on the origin and significance of the Raven crown can be accessed here. 

The Raven Crown-History of the symbol of Bhutan’s monarch