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Translation of "Japan-EU" in Japanese

日EU 日・EU
Initially, the EU did not show interest in a Japan-EU FTA.
Japanese industry originally prepared the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement.
Japan-EU EPA negotiations are truly work that will create free and fair rules appropriate for the 21st century.
This list will be revised, as necessary, through consultations at the Japan-EU Troika WG or other designated channel.
Kobe University also aims to build upon its valuable relationship with EEAS, in addition to furthering Japan-EU education and research cooperation.
Prime Minister Abe said he wants to achieve an agreement in principle on the Japan-EU EPA this year.
MOFA: Winner of the Japan-EU English Haiku Contest
外務省: 日・EU英語俳句コンテスト最優秀賞受賞者の松山市訪問
We can say that both TPP 11 and the Japan-EU FTA are the fruits of Abenomics.
Summit leaders welcomed the fruitful discussions in this forum and noted the importance of conducting regular policy dialogue through the Japan-EU High Level Consultations.
Since Japan has also agreed to the large Japan-EU FTA, Japan will participate in two mega-FTAs.
The Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement is to cover countries and areas that account for 30% of world GDP.
MOFA: The 4th Meeting of Japan-EU Dialogue on Intellectual Property Rights
外務省: 知的財産権に関する日・EU対話第7回会合の開催
It is certain that the TPP will also give further momentum to the ongoing negotiations of the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
I welcome that the ministers of Japan and the EU agreed to establish a Japan-EU High Level Industrial, Trade and Economic Dialogue.
In the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, Japan accepts the same terms on EU pork as the TPP.
Meanwhile, the government expected that the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), which came into force recently, together with the CPTPP would serve as new engines of growth for the Japanese economy.
Exchanged views on IT policy, information security, legal protection of software and promotion of innovation at the Japan-EU Dialogue on Information Policy held in October 2005.
Subjects such as the bilateral relationship, Japan-EU Cooperation and Japan's policy of "Proactive Contribution to Peace," were discussed.
They welcomed the further development of Japan-EU relations since their Summit in The Hague in 1997 and emphasised that through dialogue and cooperation, they would seek to take advantage of new opportunities to achieve common goals in regional and world affairs.
On October 22, 2018, the Japan-EU High Level Industrial, Trade and Economic Dialogue was held in Tokyo.
1 本22日,東京において,日EUハイレベル産業・貿易・経済対話が開催されました。
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