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Translation of "フ" in English



He is easily deceived and has difficulty with women.
Do you have a hat or a scarf or something?
このため、関連するソフト ウェアプログラムは BA の業務、財務、 ライトの各チームのコスト効率を可能な 限り高めるものである必要があります。
The software programs involved are therefore responsible for helping BA's operations, finance and flight teams be as cost effective as possible.
一部のレコードは CompanyName ゖールドの値がありません。
Some records have no value in the CompanyName field.
This is a lovely Cafe & Gallery when you happen to remember, you want to visit.
The other doctors, the staff?
After execution, the trader cancels the spoof-side orders, and the market returns to its previous state.
他の ァシリテーターや子ども達のことを知ることができた、本当に貴重な時間でし た。
It was fabulous time to know other facilitators and children.
Reconstruction of MR image is presented using the complex function and its relevant Fourier coefficients.
どの 2 つの状況では計算の値は FirstLast ゖ ールドに挿入されますか。
Under which two circumstances will the value of the calculation be inserted into the FirstLast field?
The main reason why I applied for the Working Scholarship was to raise my motivation.
 リーではないライセンスは、自動的にGNU GPLと矛盾 します。
A non-free license is automatically incompatible with the GNU GPL.
何で復讐を望むか 分からないと言うのか? どうする?-ン?
And are you going to sit there and tell me that you don't know what it's like to want revenge?
At the Imperial Council of July 2, the 'outline of Imperial policy following changes in circumstances' was approved.
The old "let's take a break."
All the troops were not told to stay in the castle at any price.
Fault protection is provided by internal foldback current limiting and thermal-shutdown circuitry.
これは、もし華々しい成果が得られるならば リーソフトウェアにとって良いことと言えるでしょう。
This could be good for free software if it happens to a large extent.
最近は ラダンスにも興味があります。
Recently I have become interested in Hula too.
チェタ-ラ で 料理 の 歴史 が あります。 これは この 土地に スロ--ド駐屯地 を あげました。
Cetara has its culinary history, passed down for generations, made of ancient and jealously protected recipes that have allowed this earth to merit the name of Slow Food.
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Results: 289. Exact: 289. Elapsed time: 70 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200