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Translation of "投擲" in English

toteki where
Practising sword throwing? It just slipped out of my hands.
For example, in a ball throwing game, balls are used circulated by repeatedly supply and collection of balls.
Throwing knives were stuck deep into the men's necks.
On the third pass, Coastguard members initiated throwing by hand three "sound balls" (distraction devices used in training).
Looking ahead in the future, we will improve the throwing performance of the shuttlecock and further shorten the time to achieve the competition task.
Throwing events are particularly popular in Europe, and yet the most popular equipment among these athletes usually Japanese-made.
"Rin" (輪) means chakram, a throwing weapon in ancient India.
Kunai is not a standard article and therefore it comes in various sizes and shapes, and its center of gravity is unstable because it was originally made as a tool, not as a throwing weapon, as described above.
When used as a throwing weapon, the feathers on an uchine stabilized flight, making it more accurate than a shuriken.
When used in an "offensive" application such as the No 69 grenade, where the user was not required to take cover before throwing, there was a chance that the user could be struck and injured by the fast-moving ball bearing.
(Such as in Anpo Toso [Japanese national campaign against the Security Treaty], it is said that the radicals used it for fire bottles, throwing bombs and smoke bombs).
Also indicate in the description of the announcement GOST, TU and the purpose of the knife, bow, crossbow or other type of throwing weapons as described in the certificate.
All athletes use the same throwing device so that the disabled players and players with normal physical abilities can play together fairly.In this way, Robocha allows everyone to participate in as well as enjoy the Botcha competition together.
This is a plastic assembly kit of five figures which features a noncommissioned officer and a soldier in charging poses armed with a panzerfaust and a MP44 assault rifle, a soldier shooting an MG42 machine gun from his waist, a soldier throwing a hand grenade, and another noncommissioned officer firing his MP44 from his knees.
On the other hand, the Sea Shepherd group, one of several Greenpeace offshoots, joined the interference against Japan's whale research and, imitating Greenpeace methods such as illegal boarding and ramming of research vessels, started to use increasingly dangerous and violent sabotage methods which include entangling devices (propeller foulers), throwing and shooting of chemical-containing projectiles, smoke bombs and incendiary devices.
This is a method of toteki where after leaving the hand, the weapon spins until it hits the target.
I want to throw people off.
Nishi Sports continues to provide equipment which is strongly favored by world-class athletes.
The player that can receive an Ammo Pouch or a Bandage will now show a contextual throw indicator.
The students were excited by the growth of the result but the result was almost the same.
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Results: 79. Exact: 79. Elapsed time: 52 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200