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Translation of "最優秀賞" in English

first prize
top prize
highest honor
Grand Prize


Logo data of the first prize will be used on websites, images, booklets, etc.
It's like a Kanagawa boys and girls painting contest, so I won the first prize.
インクルード 最優秀賞, 今年のベストエンジンを納入し、それが2年後に手を変更しました: BMW そしてそのI8の仕組みは、フォードのEcoBoost 1.0をマーク経路をたどります。
He top prize, delivered the best engine of the year, it has changed hands after two years: BMW and the mechanics of its i8 follows the path marked Ford EcoBoost 1.0.
Won the Golden Nymph Award (top prize) for Best News Documentary at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival, among the top four festivals for television programming worldwide.
As a part of this, hackathon and contest events were held in 2015, and a first place winner was selected.
The Item Design Contest winner's set has been added!
For this event, seven companies that were evaluated to have superior technology on the world stage in 2018 pitched and competed for first prize.
なぜサンレレの音色が良いのか? それは製作者が、本場ハワイのウクレレ展示会にて最優秀賞を二度受賞しております。
Because that producer has won the first prize twice at Hawaiian Ukulele Exhibition.
We asked the owner, Mr. Wachi about the Universal Design the restaurant was awarded first prize.
And by winning the first prize at the New National Stadium of Japan International Design Competition, her work is now set to be realized here in Japan as well.
実際の成果物 横浜市議会局市議会啓発ポスター 最優秀賞受賞 公共の場に掲示される広告物制作という貴重な機会に授業課題として取り組んでいます。
Students' Achievements First Prize: Yokohama City Council Promotional Poster As a class assignment, students take this wonderful opportunity to create an advertisement that will be posted publicly.
外務省: 日・EU英語俳句コンテスト最優秀賞受賞者の松山市訪問
MOFA: Winner of the Japan-EU English Haiku Contest
He also has won first prize in competitions such as the Hokkaido Ainu Crafts Competition (Hokkaido Governor Award).
審査員が選ぶ最優秀賞には、フリー SIM とモバイルアプリで日本へのインバウンド観光客向け情報サービスを提供する WAmazing(ワメイジング)が輝いた。
WAmazing, which provides information services for inbound tourists to Japan with free SIM cards and a mobile app, was the winner by judge's choice.
前田記念工学振興財団設立20周年記念特別論文最優秀賞, 2013.
Maeda Engineering Foundation 20th Anniversary Commemorative Special Paper First Prize, 2013.
Has won many awards including the top award for the Japan Media Arts Festival.
Won top prize in the 17th student CG contest.
Winner of the New York International Children's Film Festival's Best Feature Film Grand Prize.
And, I can't think of a more fitting award for Lesley to win than an "excellence in innovation" award.
ピッチコンテストの審査結果として Mobingi が最優秀賞(賞金100万円)を獲得した。
As a result of judging for the pitch competition, Mobingi won the top award with cash of 1 million yen (about $8,800).
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