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Translation of "私の人生" in English

my life


だから私の人生は 常に駆け足でした
So my life was constantly in a state of rushing.
そしてあんたは 私の人生から消える?
and you'll disappear from my life?
あなたは私から離れて 私の人生を奪った
You stole my whole life away from me.
私の人生は こんなことばかりよ
Sometimes I feel like this has been my whole life.
このオーディションで 私の人生が決まる
My whole life depends on this audition.
あなたのせいで 私の人生 台無しよ!
My life is ruined because of you!
でも 仕事は私の人生
But my job is my life.
私の人生は最近 コントロールできなくて
My life has just been so out of control lately.
オンラインゲーム私の人生はあなたのものです 。
Online game My life is yours.
25%が 私の人生は最悪だというステージ2
About 25 percent are at Stage Two, saying, in effect, "My life sucks."
My life might even be in danger.
その日以降 私の人生は口ひげ一筋となりました
So from that day forward, my life has become about a mustache.
That was pretty much what my life was like.
それから私の人生も生活習慣も すっかり変わりました
I have completely changed my life and my lifestyle.
It was a simple machine that changed my life.
ここで 私の人生が ひっくり返りました
This is where my life was turned upside down.
This was one of the lowest points in my life.
My life was tragic and sad.
また 私の人生において 最も重要なことも この時期に起こりました
And the most important thing in my life also happened in this time.
Let me tell you some about my life.
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Results: 2126. Exact: 2126. Elapsed time: 126 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200