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Translation of "高専" in English

Kosen technical college
National College


It was interesting because training environment was very different from Kosen.
日本からは、工業技術の基本である土木・建築・溶接の分野から3 人の高専教育専門家を約3 週間派遣。
Three Kosen experts, each representing the foundation fields of civil engineering, architecture and welding, were dispatched from Japan for three weeks.
A:It was before I entered technical college.
Because the technical college is a five-year program, those who want to continue studying will transfer to the university.
In 2008, TUT and Hakodate National College of Technology jointly built a remote control system with haptic feedback, employing the SINET3 QoS service.
After graduation of Takamatsu National College of Technology, he had been to United Kingdom to learn English for 8months and then transferred to Kagawa University.
They had limited time for their visit, but it was an extremely valuable opportunity for Toyohashi Tech to further exchange with the Mongolian high school and technical college.
モンゴルへの日本式高専教育導入は、単年度の事業として2013 年10 月にスタートしました。
The SPF launched the "Introduction of Japanese-style KOSEN Education in Mongolia" program as a single-year project in October 2013.
The Nagano National College of Technology's Astronomy Club research theme was "Observing the Interaction of Galaxies via Hydrogen Emission Lines."
関連情報 ➣ モンゴルへの日本式高専教育導入事業
Related Links ➣ The Introduction of Japanese-style KOSEN (College of Industrial Technology) Education in Mongolia
仙台高専の佐々木尚君と食事 サンフランシスコのバス亭にて。
With Mr. Sasaki from Sendai Kosen With Ms. Starkey from Sendai Kosen at bus stop in San Francisco (Tobitate!
The next conference will be held in Takamatsu, Kagawa (Anan Kosen in charge, Kagawa Kosen in charge of venues) and I expect that it will be successful as well for more international exchanges and communication between Kosen.
We will continuously keep on developing faculty exchanges, faculty development education for KOSEN faculty and experiential learning program for KOSEN students at TUT in cooperation with our educational research global network, which will make a contribution to the globalization at KOSEN.
Matters in Judea were finally calm for a time.
After graduated from the junior high school, he went to industrial college; he left his home and began dormitory life.
As part of the e-learning Higher Education Coordination Project, in April 2004 we started to provide remote teaching to technical colleges and universities with credit transfer agreements. We also develop web learning materials and manage the learning management system Moodle.
Prior to this it had been on loan to the university for two years.
The attached photos were provided by the respective KOSEN colleges.
I recommend institutes of technology as a good choice for students who have clarified what they want to do to some extent.
I want to gain practical business skills which I cannot learn at Ube Kosen.
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Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200